SpineAnimationRig - Runtime

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The runtime does not use spine-runtime alone.

If you use Spine-runtime, the Spine license also applies.

Aimationrig runtime

Under the MIT License.

This runtime(files) is licensed under the Expat License, sometimes known as the MIT License: Copyright Ko-Ta Takeuchi.

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

The Software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement. In no event shall the authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the Software or the use or other dealings in the Software.

Spine runtime


Spine runtime mix_add patch

Some Spine-animations may not play(draw) correctly. If the animation display is disturbed, Please use the attached patch files.

spine_runtime_patch/3.7/ spine_runtime_patch/3.8/


CommonMS Multi platform binary-rw functions.
AnimationrigMisc Types and basic functions. file-IO,easing,math,matrix.unicode...etc.
Animationrig Read animationrig format file. Build data structure.
AnimationrigState Do the animation!
AnimationrigPreset Load and execute from *.animrig.preset.txt file.
AnimationrigPhysics Physics model.
AnimationrigWiggle Wiggler.
AnimationrigSpine Use spine object.
AnimationrigNull Null object.
AnimationrigLogger Debug logger object. Output spine object state.
UnityStateRenderer Unity interface.
AnimrigState AnimationrigState component.
AnimrigRendererSpine Spine renderer component.
AnimrigRendererGameObject GameObject renderer component.
spine mix-add patch
3.7 Spine 3.7 latest runtime patch.
3.8 Spine 3.8 latest runtime patch.

How to implement

This runtime only has function to control spine. You need to setup an environment(workspace) to load and draw the spine.

Take a look at the unity sample first. If unity can be used, the following preparation is not necessary.
まずは unity サンプルをご覧ください。 もし、unityが使えるなら以下の下準備は不要です。

How to implement in Unity

Load and create

First, Read the file. And create AnimationrigState from Animationrig data class.
まずファイルを読み込みます。読み込んだ Animationrig データから実行用の AnimationrigState を生成します。

// setup data var anim = new Animrig.Animationrig(); // load { MemoryStream ms = CommonMS.LoadFromFile("data/sample.animrig"); anim.LoadFromBinary(ms); } // setup state var state = new Animrig.AnimationrigState(anim); state.OnEvent = EvenetCallback; // event callback


Execute by calling AnimationrigState.Update().
AnimationrigState.Update() を呼ぶことで実行します。

// deltatime : 1sec = 1.0 state.Update(0.1);

Not enough to control spine. You need to define a class for control.

Define renderer control class

Define AnimationrigStateRenderer class for control. The finished thing is AnimationrigSpine.cs file.
コントロール用 AnimationrigStateRenderer クラスを定義します。出来上がったものが AnimationrigSpine.cs ファイルになります。

// property public class SpineRenderer : StateRenderer { public static readonly int SaveVersion = 1; public Spine.AnimationState state = null; // Spine public Spine.Skeleton skeleton = null; // Spine public SpineRenderer(); // common public override void Update(double deltatime); // spine control public override void SetAnimation(int trackindex, int usetrack, string basename, bool loop, bool addanim, MixBlend trackmix, float duration, bool seekmode); public override void SetTrackBlendAlpha(int trackindex, int usetrack, float alpha1, float alpha2, float alpha3, float alpha4, bool exists); public override void SetTrackSeekTime(int trackindex, int usetrack, float time1, float time2, float time3, float time4, bool exists); public override void SetMixDuration(float duration); ... }

These methods are called back in AnimationrigState.Update(). Relay the instruction to Spine.AnimationState & Skeleton.
これらメソッドは AnimationrigState.Update() 関数内でコールバックされます。設定された Spine.AnimationState & Skeleton へ命令を中継します。

Please see RendererObject for details.
詳しくは RendererObject をご覧ください。

Set renderer objects

AnimationrigState provides StateInput to control with the application. Set that class to the Renderer property.
AnimationrigState にはアプリケーションとやり取りするための StateInput が用意されています。Renderer プロパティにセットしてください。

// create state renderer var spinerenderer = new Animrig.SpineRenderer(); spinerenderer.state = spineobject01.AnimationState; spinerenderer.skeleton = spineobject01.Skeleton; // in sample.animrig file // [0] : spine object // [1] : null object state.InputObjects[0].Renderer = spinerenderer;

How to setup physics

To reflect physics, you need to define a StateRenderer that supports physics. This is also provided in AnimationrigSpine.cs.
物理計算を反映させるには、物理計算に対応した StateRenderer を定義する必要があります。これも AnimationrigSpine.cs に用意されています。

// * support physics renderer var spinerenderer = new Animrig.SpinePhysicsRenderer(); ... state.InputObjects[0].Renderer = spinerenderer_chara; // * setup physics state.SetupPhysics();

First, you need to build(setup) a physics.

Update physics

The physics update is automatically execute with AnimationrigState.Update ().
物理計算の Update は AnimationrigState.Update() で自動的に実行されます。

if you want to advance(skip) only the physics time, Call AnimationrigState.UpdatePhysics().
もし物理計算だけ早く進めたいなら AnimationrigState.UpdatePhysics() を呼んでください。

// skip 10sec state.UpdatePhysics(10.0);

Appease physics

If you want to restore to the natural pose, call AnimationrigState.AppeasePhysics ().
自然状態に即座に戻したい場合は、AnimationrigState.AppeasePhysics() を呼んでください。

// restore natural state.AppeasePhysics();

How to set values from application

Manipulating values ​​from the application is very easy :) Access InputObjects to set the value. It has a simple easing function.
アプリケーションからアニメーションへ値を送るのはとても簡単。 InputObjects にアクセスして値を設定します。 標準でイージング機能を持っています。

// inputvalue[0] = 0.5 state.InputObject[0].SetValue(0 , 0.5f); // use easing // duration : 1.0 // ease : InOutQuad state.InputObject[0].SetValue(0 , 0.5f , 1.0f , Animrig.Easing.InOutQuad);

How to use preset file

Adjust the value on the editor, You may want to use it on your application. It's very easy to do with the Preset class.
エディタで値を調整し、それをアプリケーションで使いたいと考えることもあるでしょう。 Preset クラスを使えば簡単に実現できます。

// load preset preset = new Animrig.Preset(); { MemoryStream ms = CommonMS.LoadFromFile("data/sample.animrig.preset.txt"); preset.LoadFromStream(ms); }


Set the contents of the preset to a value. It has a simple easing function.
指定した名前のプリセットを InputObject に反映します。 標準で簡単なイージング機能を持っています。

preset.SetPreset( state.InputObjects[0], "happy", // preset name 1.0, // duration Animrig.Easing.InOutQuad // ease );


Set values to default on editor.


Set values to 0.0f.
値を 0.0 で設定します。

Serialize / Deserialize (state save/load)

AnimationrigState has the state serialize function.

// save var ms = new MemoryStream(); state.SaveToBinary(ms);
// load ms.position = 0; state.LoadFromBinary(ms); // return bool

Only AnimationrigState is restored. Objects(such as spine) are not restored. If you need a full state restore, you need to define the object SaveLoad function.
復元されるのはAnimationrigStateだけです。 spineなどのオブジェクトは復元されません。もし完全な状態復元が必要なら、オブジェクトのSaveLoadをあなたが用意する必要があります。

If the animation data(Animgrig file) has changed, Save data compatibility is lost. but, It will try to restore as much as possible. If fewer changes , may be possible to restore.
もし、アニメーションデータ(Animgrig file)に変更が入った場合、基本的には互換性は失われます。しかし、出来るだけ頑張って復元しようと試みます。 少ない変更であれば、復元できる可能性があります。

Event callback

Set the function to AnimationrigState.OnEvent to receive the event of the event-object on the application side.

public void OnAnimationrigEvent(Animrig.AnimationrigState state, ref Animrig.StateEventData data) { // If you want to know the event source object, use InputObject.UserObject property. // anim.State.Inputs[0].UserObject = YoureGameObject; // set // var YoureGameObject = data.Input.UserObject as GameObject; // get if (data.Strings0 != "") Debug.Log(data.Strings0); if (data.Strings1 != "") Debug.Log(data.Strings1); }
// event anim.State.OnEvent = OnAnimationrigEvent;


User-Memo is free areas from editor. If you want to keep special settings ​​in the file, please use it.

if (anim.UserMemo.Length > 0){ var settingdata = anim.UserMemo[0]; }

How to implement in Unity

Components are provided for use with Unity. You can easily setup spine. At first I think that it is good to test with Unity.
Unityで使う場合は、コンポーネントが用意されています。 spineの準備も楽ちんなので、まずはUnityで触って感触を掴むと良いと思います。

Please also watch this video.

Setup spine

Please see the official page or etc.


Include Animationrig asset

Include the following files (copy to asset folder).

runtime/csharp/lib/*.cs runtime/csharp/lib_unity/*.cs

Animationrig appears on component menus.
component メニューに Animationrig が追加されます。

unity component

AnimationrigState Component

First, setup AnimationrigState object. Create an empty GameObject and attach the AnimationrigState component.
まず AnimationrigState を準備します。 空のGameObjectを作り、AnimationrigState コンポーネントを追加してください。

unity component

Animrig TextAsset

Set Animationrig binary file. To use binary files in Unity, you need to change the file-extension to .bytes.
Animationrigバイナリファイルを指定します。Unityでバイナリファイルを扱うには .bytes に拡張子を変更する必要があります。

Preset TextAsset

Set the Preset text file. This file is used in text format .txt.
Presetテキストファイルを指定します。これはテキスト形式 .txt で取り扱います。

SpineRenderer Component

Attach Animationrig-SpineRenderer component to the spine game object.
spineのゲームオブジェクトに Animationrig - SpineRenderer コンポーネントを追加します。

unity component

SpineRenderer relays the operation of AnimationrigState.
SpineRendererAnimationrigState の操作を中継する役割を持ちます。 このコンポーネントを追加しないかぎり影響を受けません。

Override Transform

Synchronize with GameObject.Transform. Set the Local coordinates. Create a RootTransformObject like the image.
GameObject.Transformと連動させます。エディタでデザインした座標が設定されるので、画像の RootTransformObject のようにルートを設けてください。

Pixel per Unit (def : 100)

Set the spine(GameObject) scale. There is a factor of 100 between editor and unity.

I think that this item will be deleted soon.

Transform Scale (def : 1.0)

Set the overall scale.

This value is different for SkeletonAnimation or SkeletonGraphic. For Graphic set 1 (1unit = 1pixel), For Animation, set 0.01 (1unit = 0.01pixel).
この値は SkeletonAnimation と SkeletonGraphic で異なります。 Graphicの場合は 1(1unit = 1pixel)、Aimationの場合は 0.01(1unit = 0.01pixel)を設定します。

Attach Spine GameObject

Back to the AnimationrigState component. Set GameObjects to RendererObjects.
AnimationrigState コンポーネントに戻ります。 RendererObjects にアニメーションと対応する GameObject を設定していきます。

unity component

If the RendererObjects name is none, please update it with the reload button.

Set startup animations

unity component

If you want the animation to play at the start, set the "tracks" property. You can also change animations from the Unity timeline.

If you need more advanced operations, access AnimationrigState directly as shown in the sample.
より高度な操作を必要とする場合は、サンプルのように AnimationrigState に直接アクセスしてください。

// main.cs // change animation & AutoFade public void OnAnimation0Change(int value) { if (EventLock) return; if (value < 0) return; var name = AnimationCombo0.options[value].text; if (name == "empty") { anim.State.ClearTrackFade(2, 1.0f); } else { anim.State.EntryTrackFade(2, name, 1.0f); } }

Run unity sample program

The sample program demonstrates the following features:

Animation fade

Interpolate switching of animation to a good feeling.

if (name == "empty") { // 1 sec fade , clear animation anim.State.ClearTrackFade(2, 1.0f); } else { // 1sec fade , next animation anim.State.EntryTrackFade(2, name, 1.0f, Animrig.Easing.InOutQuad); }

You can also check the fade feature on the editor.

image image

Animation tracks

Animationrig also has a track function. It is possible to combine multiple animations. The sample can overlap breathing motion and various movements.
Animationrigでもトラックの概念があります。複数のアニメーションを合成することが可能です。サンプルでは呼吸モーション(breath body noise)に様々な動きを重ねることが出来ます。

anim.State.EntryTrack(0, "setup"); anim.State.EntryTrack(1, "lol"); anim.State.EntryTrack(2, "testmotion");


Even if you control the animation from the application side, you may use values ​​designed on the editor. You can register a preset in the editor and use it.
アニメーションをアプリケーション側からコントロールする場合であっても、エディタ上でデザインされた値を使用するケースは少なくありません。 エディタでプリセットに登録し、それを用いることが出来ます。

if (name == "default") { // 1 sec fade , set default anim.Preset.SetDefault(anim.State.Inputs[0], 1.0f); } else { // 1 sec fade , set preset anim.Preset.SetPreset(anim.State.Inputs[0], name, 1.0f); }

Direct input

If you want to control the eyes from camera image processing and the mouth from microphone voice input, change the value directly.

anim.State.Inputs[0].SetValue(0, a1, 0.0f); anim.State.Inputs[0].SetValue(1, a2, 0.0f);

How to use runtime 3.6

The editor does not support 3.6, but you can run 3.6 Spine by changing the program a little.

However, You can not be used MixAdd function.



Animationrig file data class.


Create Animationrig class.

var anim = new Animrig.Animationrig()


Load Animationrig binary file. Read from MemoryStream class.
Animtionrigバイナリファイルを読み込みます。MemoryStream クラスから読み込みます。

// file load helper MemoryStream ms = CommonMS.LoadFromFile("data/sample.animrig"); if (!anim.LoadFromBinary(ms)){ return false; // error }

Serch animation by name.

int index = anim.Search("setup"); if (index == -1){ return null; // nothing } esle{ return anim.Animations[index]; }


User memo can be used freely string list.

staring text = anim.UserMemo[0];

Animations[] , AnimationCount

Animation data list.

Animrig.Animation a = anim.Animations[0];

Objects[] , ObjectCount

Object data list. Has object settings.

Animrig.AnimObject o = anim.Objects[0];

Offset , Size;

Canvas size and offset.

Animrig.Misc.Vector3 v = anim.Offset; Animrig.Misc.Vector3 s = anim.Size; var centerx = v.x + s.x / 2.0f; var centerx = v.y + s.y / 2.0f;


Timeline(Editor) base framerate.

LoadVersion , LastError

Load file state. Reflected after LoadFromBinary().

if (!anim.LoadFromBinary(ms)){ console.WriteLine("error : {anim.LastError}"); return false; } console.WriteLine("finished : ver {anim.LoadVersion}"); return true;


Run, hold state class.


Create state class.

// data MemoryStream ms = CommonMS.LoadFromFile("data/sample.animrig"); anim.LoadFromBinary(ms); // state Animrig.AnimationrigState state = new Animrig.AnimationrigState(anim);

Update() , UpdatePhysics()

Advance timeline time. timeline and physics. タイムライン時間、物理計算時間を進めます。

state.Update(1.0 / 60);

Advance physics time only.

state.UpdatePhysics(10.0); // skip 10sec


Setup all state-renderer physiscs. The physics will not start unless you call this function.


Set the string-list where the settings are written. This is stored in the object of Animtionrig data.


When exists phisics, Restore natural pose.


EntryTrack() , ClearTrack() , ClearTracks()

Set and play animations.

state.EntryTrack(0,"setup"); state.EntryTrack(2,"pose:test");

Remove animations.

// track state.ClearTrack(2); // all state.ClearTracks();

EntryTrackFade() , ClearTrackFade()

Transition animation with fade.

state.EntryTrack(2,"facial:boo",0.5f,Easing.InOutQuad); // duration 0.5 // wait state.EntryTrack(2,"facial:lookdown",0.5);

Remove animations with fade.


Tracks[] , TracksSafe[] , TrackCount , UsageTrackCount

Playing animation tracks data.

Animrig.StateTrack t = state.Tracks[0];

TracksSafe() gives you access without worrying about the range.
TracksSafe() を使うと範囲外かどうかを気にせずアクセスできます。変動することが多いので便利です。

Animrig.StateTrack t = state.TracksSafe(4096); if (t != null){ // exists }

Trackcount returns the cached length. UsageTrackCount returns the length of the actual usage track.
TrackCount はキャッシュが利いた値を返します。実際の使用トラック数は得るには UsageTrackCountを使用してください。

int n = state.UsageTrackCount; for (var i=0;i<n;i++){ // }


Receive EventLayer callbacks.

void EventCallback(Animrig.AnimationrigState state, ref Animrig.StateEventData data){ string s0 = data.Strings0; string s1 = data.Strings1; ... }
state.OnEvent = EventCallback;

InputObjects[] ObjectCount

StateInputs object list.

Animrig.InputObject o = state.InputObject[0];


StateInput stores the calculation result of Animationrig timeline.
StateInoutは Animationrig タイムラインの計算結果を保持します。


Return object type.

Animrig.ObjectType t = state.Input[0].ObjectType;


Set StateRenderer class.
StateRenderer クラスを設定します。

state.Inputs[0].Renderer = spinerenderer;

Remove or default is null.
初期状態、解除するには null を設定してください。

state.Inputs[0].Renderer = null;


You can use it freely. (c++ : void*)
自由に使える object型 です。(c++ならvoid*)

state.Inputs[0].UserObject = unityspineobject;

SetValue() , GetValue() , ValueCount , SetDefaults()

Embedding values ​​in the Animationrig timeline from the application side. Used when control directly. Usually, use preset function.
Animtionrigタイムラインに値を組み込みます。直接操作する際に使用し、普段は preset を使用することになると思います。

state.Inputs[0].SetValue(0, 0.5f, 1.0f, Animrig.Easing.InOutQuad); // duration 1sec state.Inputs[0].SetValue(1, 0.9f, 1.0f, Animrig.Easing.InOutQuad); // duration 1sec

Get now value.

var v1 = state.Input[0].GetValue(0); var v2 = state.Input[0].GetValue(1);

Restore default values.


Values , DefaultValues , DefaultRange , ValueNames

Editor settings, or more control using Values[].
エディタの設定値、またはより詳細な制御をする場合は Values[] を使ってください。

public EasingData[] Values; public float[] DefaultValues; public float[] DefaultRange; public string[] ValueNames;


Manage PresetFile class.


Create preset class.

var preset = new Animrig.Preset();


Load preset data from MemoryStream.
プリセットファイルを MemoryStream から読み込みます。

var preset = new Animrig.Preset(); var ms = CommonMS.LoadFromFile("data/sample.animrig"); if (!preset.LoadFromStream(ms)){ return false; // error }

SetPreset SetDefault SetClear

Apply preset values data.

Animrig.StateInput o = state.Inputs[0]; preset.SetPreset(o , "happy" , 1.0f , Animrig.Easing.InOutQuad); // duration 1sec

Restore default values. Same as StateInput.SetDefaults().

Animrig.StateInput o = state.Inputs[0]; preset.SetDefault(o , 1.0f , Animrig.Easing.InOutQuad);

Restore zero(0.0) values.

Animrig.StateInput o = state.Inputs[0]; preset.SetClear(o , 1.0f , Animrig.Easing.InOutQuad);


This class reflects the calculation result of the timeline to the object. You can define it freely!

For example, you can replace the Spine-object(timeline) with something other than Spine. You can also replace physics calculations with other libraries.
例えば、SpineObject(timeline) をSpine以外のものとすり替えたり出来ます。物理計算も好みの物に差し替えも可能です。

First, it is recommended to assemble with referring to the SpineRenderer class in AnimtionrigSpine.cs.
まずは、 AnimationrigSpine.cs にある SpineRenderer を参考にするのが良いでしょう。

Constructor , ObjectType

Return object type. Must be set at constructor.
ObjectType は Constructor で必ず決定してください。

public SpineRenderer() : base() { ObjectType = ObjectType.Spine; Clear(); }

Since State accepts any ObjectType, it can be anything.

RendererEnable , RendererVisible , RendererInheritedEnable , RendererInheritedVisible

Return object state. Inherited is returns the inherited value.
オブジェクトの状態を返します。Inherited は親からの継承値を返します。

parent : visible = false child : visible = true parent : InheritedVisible = false child : InheritedVisible = false

DrawPriorityZ , DrawPriorityDesign

Draw priority value.
PriorityZ is the 3D Z coordinate.
PriorityDesign is the priority value set in the editor.
描画優先度。PriorityZ はZ座標。 PriorityDesign はエディタ上で設定された優先度値です。

In the editor, it is sorted by the following formula.

double sortvalue = PriorityZ + PriorityDesign * 0x10000;

TransMatrix , TransPosition , TransColor

Returns the base position and matrix of the object.

// get object position (same as TransPosition) Animrig.Vector3 v; v.x = 0.0; v.y = 0.0; v.z = 0.0; Animrig.Misc.m4Transform(ref v , ref renderer.TransMatrix);

Return object modulate color.

float a = renderer.TransColor.a; // 0.0f to 1.0f float r = renderer.TransColor.r; float g = renderer.TransColor.g; float b = renderer.TransColor.b;


Add initialization code.

public override void Clear() { base.Clear(); ... }


Add update code. deltatime may be set to 0.0.
アップデート。deltatime は 0.0 で呼ばれることがあります。

public override void Update(double deltatime) { // example : spine update state.Update((float)deltatime); state.Apply(skeleton); skeleton.UpdateWorldTransform(); // support physics AddForcePhysics(); UpdatePhysics(deltatime); ApplyPhysics(); }


Called when changing designed-animation and empty-animation.

public override void SetAnimation(int trackindex, int usetrack, string basename, bool loop, bool addanim, MixBlend trackmix, float duration, bool seekmode, float loopbegin, float loopend) { if (usetrack == 1) { // single animation } if (usetrack == 4){ // blend 4track animations } if (usetrack == 2){ // blend 2track animations (minus : invert animation) } }
trackindex spine track index.
usagetrack layer type. 4,2,1 mode exists.
basename animation name. Omit opration code.(@up,@left...)
loop loop.
addanim setAnimation() or addAnimation()
trackmix MixBlend.Replace or MixBlend.Add
duration Mix animaiton duration
seekmode if use SeekLayer, true.
loopbegin,loopend Loop area setting. disable is 0,0.


Set the animation blend alpha. Called every frame.

public override void SetTrackBlendAlpha(int trackindex, int usetrack, float alpha1, float alpha2, float alpha3, float alpha4, bool exists) { if (usetrack == 1) { // single animation } if (usetrack == 4){ // blend 4track animations } if (usetrack == 2){ // blend 2track animations } }

exists returns whether the key data exists.


Set the animation play time. Called every frame.

public override void SetTrackSeekTime(int trackindex, int usetrack, float time1, float time2, float time3, float time4, bool exists) { if (usetrack == 1) { // single animation } if (usetrack == 4){ // blend 4track animations } }


Set the default time for animation switching.

public override void SetMixDuration(float duration) { // example : spine default mix duration state.Data.DefaultMix = duration; }


Set the skin by name.

public override void SetSkin(string skinname) { // }


Build and create phisics.
If you want to use custom physics, please create it by inheriting PhysicsGroup.
物理計算を構築します。もし物理計算をカスタマイズしたい場合は、PhysicsGroup を派生して作ってください。

Called when rebuilding after loading.

public override void SetupPhysics(List<string> setting) { Animrig.PhysicsGroup g = BuildYourCustomPhysics(setting); PhysicsGroups.Add(g); }


Apply force by moving objects to physics

If you want to apply power to physics from outside Animrig, set transfrom to extrnalmatrix. Usually gives the identity matrix.

Called every frame.

public override void AddPhysicsTransform(ref Misc.Matrix4 externalmatrix) { foreach (var g in PhysicsGroups) { // custom } }


Apply force to physics. Called it from Physics force layer.

Called every frame.

public override void AddPhysicsForce(string target, double x, double y, double z) { foreach (var g in PhysicsGroups) { g.AddForce(d); } }


Collect information necessary for physics and prepare.

Called every frame.

public override void PreparePhysics(){ foreach (var g in PhysicsGroups) { // custom } }


Advance physics time. It moves at 100fps , It is called by dividing into 0.01 seconds.

public override void UpdatePhysics(double deltatime){ foreach (var g in PhysicsGroups) { g.Update(deltatime); } }


Reflect the result of physics to the object.

Called every frame.

public override void ApplyPhysics() { foreach (var g in PhysicsGroups) { // custom } }


Restore to natural pose.

public override void AppeasePhysics() { foreach (var g in PhysicsGroups) { g.Appease(); } }